

課程費用: $6,000/期(材料費另計)

Muse特地邀請到創意料料理美食達人─Pan Fly分享生命中的感動料理,除了示範料理的知識與技巧,同時也讓您感受到烹飪的魅力與樂趣,透過選擇優良食材,以及簡單的技法,就能展現大廚般的好味道。
Muse invites Pan Fly, creative food chef, to share the impressive food in his life. Apart from the knowledge and skills of the demonstration cooking, it also allows you to feel the charm and fun of cooking. By selecting excellent ingredients and simple techniques, you too also can cook like a super chef.

課程費用: $6,000/期(材料費另計)

基礎的油畫入門課程,給從小一直很喜歡畫畫, 卻沒有機會好好學習畫畫的大人們 下班後最舒壓的創作時光。 以簡易的素描概念,加上油彩光影應用技法, 在畫布上堆疊心中最美的回憶。
This basic oil painting introductory course will give adults who have been fond of painting since childhood, the opportunity to develop their passion in a relaxing and friendly environment. Starting with sketching, then using oil paints, you will learn and use techniques to depict landscapes and still life.

課程費用: $6,000/期(材料費另計)

In this class you will learn how to use different types of flowers in various designs to create beautiful and eye-catching arrangements.

課程費用: $6,000/期(材料費另計)

是否常常覺得微醺時令人英文變好? 學習輕鬆入門的Wine & Cocktails,體會並細細品味慢的美學,用舌尖感受酒在口中所散發出的獨特滋味,入喉之後的辛辣與甘甜,讓Muse帶您體驗品酒時刺激五感的每個細節。
Wine Tasting Sign up Strictly over 18s Have you ever wanted to describe the perfect glass of wine? In this class learn how to taste and describe wine. Also learn how to mix stunning cocktails to impress all of your friends.

課程費用: $6,000/期(材料費另計)

There’s only one thing better than eating delicious desserts, and that’s making them. Beginners tackle the challenges and pleasures of French dessert baking. This class will enable you to use professional equipment and top-notch flavors at home and bring you into a five-star baker. The Dream Palace is the ultimate level of French afternoon tea.

課程費用: $6,000/期(材料費另計)

您曾經好奇過,從收音機流放環繞在我們周圍的經典英文老歌在唱些甚麼嗎? 歡迎跟著我們的外籍英文老師們一起學習,與Muse一同咚吱咚吱唱唱跳跳,找回屬於我們的80年代美好記憶吧!
Have you ever heard an English song on the radio and wondered what they are singing about? Well, now you can learn here at Muse with our native teachers. We can sing together and recall the fond memories of years past.

課程費用: $6,000/期(材料費另計)

讓我們一起用樂高積木實現我們夢想中的旅程吧! 以樂高作為英語文學習的媒材,讓親子在堆疊過程中,除了學習不同的建構技巧,同時也認識了世界地理與建築結構的奧妙。
Let’s use LEGO! Lego is used as a medium for English language learning. In addition to learning different construction techniques, parents and children also know the wonders of world geography and architecture.

課程費用: $6,000/期(材料費另計)

利用精選主題英文繪本作為暖身引導, 增進孩子對於創作主題的認知瞭解, 每次都搭配不同媒材來引導孩子創作, 讓孩子的感受力、創造力、學習力更加多元, 增進美學基礎的同時,能激發更多的創意思維。 In this course children will experience a range of creative stories through diverse learning mediums. Their interest will be peaked and their English ability fostered.

課程費用: $6,000/期(材料費另計)

「糖霜+餅乾」就像「畫筆+畫紙」,能創作出讓人驚喜的各種造型,能畫出無限的創意可能。 老師將透過遊戲式教學,讓小朋友們能細心、耐心地製作麵糰、烘烤餅乾、手繪出超in的個人化糖霜餅乾喔!
"Icing + Biscuits" is like "Paint + Painting," and it can make a variety of surprising shapes that can produce unlimited creative possibilities. Teacher Ashley will use game-style teaching to allow children to carefully and patiently make dough, bake cookies and hand-painted personalized icing cookies!

課程費用: $6,000/期(材料費另計)

身為家長的您喜歡以互動的模式來協助孩子學習英文嗎? 透過說英文故事繪本的模式如何呢? 來加入我們的英文故事屋課程, 您的孩子將可以學習、表演、呈現、甚至製作出屬於自己獨一無二的故事書。 讓我們一起快樂體驗英文故事屋的神奇魔力吧!
Would you like a more interactive way to help your kids learn English? How about through stories? Come and join our Story House where your children will learn, act, present and make their own storybooks. Let's have fun together.